My Charities

I created this site to have a place to gossip about housewives and have some fun. But there is an issue that I feel very passionate about, and I would like to share it with all of you: Factory Farming.

I really encourage everyone to please take the time to watch the videos I posted and click the links. This isn’t just about the animals we eat, it’s about your own health, and the health and well being of your family and the planet. If you eat fast food, shop at the grocery store, or have children who buy lunch at school, you NEED to see this. Educate yourself and learn what you are really putting into your body. I was shocked to find out the truth, and you might be too.

There is an amazing documentary called Food Inc. Here is the trailer:

Please Click here to watch the full length movie for free.

This video gives you a peak behind the doors of the factories that are producing the food you eat:

Please visit the Food Inc. Official Website for more information and to learn how to help or get involved.

You can also learn more about the issues here: The World Society for the Protection of Animals. The WSPA not only fights for the rights of Factory Farmed animals, but animals all over the world in all situations. I highly encourage everyone to make a donation here. Every dollar helps.

And if you are not in a position to donate, please sign up at All you have to do is sign petitions, it’s really simple (once you’re signed in you can sign with one click) and it actually does make a big difference. When politicians and companies are slammed with thousands of emails they pay attention and make changes. If it sound pointless to you, I promise it’s not. A few of the petitions I’ve signed in the past ended with laws and policies being changed. It’s a really easy way to make a difference in the lives of animals and people who need your help.

Here are some other charities I support:

Why You Should Boycott Canadian Seafood

Help Marine Animals

Rescue Animals from Factory Farms

Campaign against Factory Farming

Animal Welfare Institute

Best Friends Animal Society

The Top Rated Animal Charities

18 Responses to My Charities

  1. kelly says:

    … aaawwwww … is your heart thawing out ?! LOL … just kidding! =)

    wonderful organization, great video … thanks for sharing!

    • I love animals. It’s people I can’t stand. Lol.

      • tuzentswurth says:

        Besides having a fantastic sense of humor and a gift for writing, you feel the same as I do about this issue and our food sources. I have taken to keeping my own chickens for fresh eggs and what a difference in taste. People would not believe what sweet and different personalities chickens have! I love my ladies.

  2. I know! I used to have chickens (I live in the city now) and I loved them so much. But the roosters…. they are a different story. Lol.
    Ducks are also very cool animals. If they didn’t shit all over the place I would keep them in the house and let them sit on the couch with me.

    I’m glad you care about this issue too. ♥

    • tuzentswurth says:

      We had ducks too and yes, they do shit like crazy! Our rooster is friendly, years ago had a “watch rooster” that would attack strangers, not family though.

  3. crazysweet says:

    I’m so glad I checked this link and like you even more now!!! I know this is your site but what about including a link to the atrocities that occur at marine wild life parks and the constant premature deaths?
    Factory Farming & Captive Wild Animal Training NEED TO END!!!

  4. AMEN. Totally agree with you on this. I don’t eat meat anymore because of this movie.

    • Good for you!! I still eat meat from the local farms, but even with the farm meat I eat it a lot less than I used to. I’ve been eating mostly sea food, but now we’re supposed to be boycotting Canadian seafood because it’s the Canadian fishermen who support the seal slaughter every year. So… I’m eating a lot of pasta these days.

      • Anonymous says:

        I commend you for trying to be healthy, as well as remain courteous to our furry friends. However, also take into consideration your health. Meat is important – even (lean) red meat – due to its iron and vitamin B12 content that is difficult to get elsewhere. My friend went vegetarian due to this cause and gained 70 pounds. Now her health is suffering and she is at risk for diabetes. So, moral of the story: make sure to eat protein somehow – try fake meat/tofu (Boca, Morning Star, etc.)

        • RCH says:

          I never heard of a vegetarian gaining weight.
          Tell your friend that she’s supposed to replace the meat with veggies, not candy. Lol

          I still eat meat, just not every single day like I used to.

  5. Conspiracy Theory says:

    The reason Bravo won’t provide you or Lynn with any content or collateral material is because one of the producers for the RHOMIA, Nadine Rajabi, is the head administrator at a competing site called TVgasm.

    Lots of VERY, VERY bad activity surrounding the HW boards there over the last year, trolls that got out of hand and became stalkers offline, admins that admitted the use of alts by the trolls, and accusations of racism and bullying.

  6. Conspiracy Theory says:

    I couldn’t find an email address, I didn’t want to create a distraction from your main page, and I knew you would get a notification that I posted a comment.

    Sorry, 😉

    I really don’t want any attention – It was just an FYI. TVgasm is owned by Bunim Murray, it’s really not just a blog.

  7. Carla says:

    You are awsome! I’ve always said that I love animals better than people! People suck! Log your blog too!!

  8. I’ve been following your blog for awhile and never really comment but can I just say you are awesome and soooo funny!!

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